IndiVideo Enables Financial Advisors to Engage Clients with Customized Video

IndiVideo Enables Financial Advisors to Engage Clients with Customized Video

When looking for ways to empower advisors with personalized video capabilities to engage clients, global Fintech leader, Broadridge, turned to BlueRush. With over 20 years’ experience, BlueRush has a proven track record enabling users to build and deliver highly efficient, secure, and scalable personalized videos. “We are excited to use our expertise to help Broadridge create short interactive videos that simplify complex financial concepts,” explains Steve Taylor, CEO at BlueRush. “We look forward to creating engaging, educational and empowering experiences for advisors and customers that will lead to smarter conversations and more active financial decision making.” Broadridge will integrate BlueRush’s IndiVideo technology into its platform, allowing their advisors to personalize and send videos for client prospecting, ongoing client engagement and communications – across all social media channels, email and websites.  “As consumers, we have an awful lot of information competing for our attention and this forces us to determine in seconds what we will engage with or disregard. We disregard most,” Kevin Darlington, General Manager at Broadridge recently shared with Wealth Professional. “Brief, punchy video continues to show an ability to break through the clutter and engage at higher rates than other content forms.”
Video personalization is rapidly being adopted by FORTUNE 1000 organizations as a key driver of digitization strategies.
Delivered at the right time (and right call to action) in the customer lifecycle, personalized videos allow customers to feel like an organization understands their needs. This works to build an emotional attachment, which goes a long way to retaining customers. This impact, and ability to move customers to take action is significant for financial institutions. Add to that the fact that customers want personalized videos, you are one step closer to building trust by providing your customers what they want.
72% of consumers would rather use a video to learn about a product or service than any other channel.
Broadridge’s digital marketing platform includes dozens of high-quality educational videos that cover a wide range of topics. With IndiVideo, these already efficient engagement drivers, will be more powerful with the addition of personalized logos, photos, contact information, and calls to action. To read the full announcement article in Wealth Professional, click here.