How can I manage my deployments?

IndiVideo supports three environment levels to streamline approval process by going through the classic development, staging, and production phases.

These levels are referred to as Approval Levels and include:

  1. Draft: Development Approval Level,
  2. Testing: UAT/Staging Approval Level
  3. LIVE: Production Approval Level.

The multiple approval levels deliver a different version of the video based on the environment the media is accessed. For example, the Testing version of the video can be updated multiple times during its QA phase without affecting the LIVE version of the video that may have already been published.

Different attachment codes define each Approval Level. Choosing an Approval Level consists of selecting the attachment code for the video embed code. (See the data-bp-attachment-code HTML attribute on the Smart-Embed code above) ( I don’t see it!!!!). Obtain the Smart-Embed code for a specific level by using the Approval Level drop-down in the configuration form.


For videos integrated before June 2020

pre-Denim release

As of May 28th 2020, the use of data-bp-env HTML attribute on the Smart-Embed script tag is DEPRECATED. It was originally use to control the video environment.

It is highly recommended to migrate to the new approach using the Approval Levels as described in this article. Any videos being accessed using data-bp-env will no longer benefit from IndiVideo's continuous updates after May 28th 2020.

Draft - Development Approval Level

Generated automatically when a video is deployed from AfterEffects, this approval level is used by the creative team to test the multiple versions of the video published during its development phase. Although integrated the same way as the other approval levels, it is not intended for use or deployment on a client site.

Given that it is not used on a production site, it displays a Draft | DEV watermark in the top-left corner of the IndiVideo Smart-Player frame.

Testing - UAT/Staging Approval Level

This approval level is used during the QA phases of the video and should only be integrated on a Staging/Pre-Production site. The video associated with this approval level can change multiple times through the client feedback rounds. Changing the video associated with this approval level does not require any changes on the integrated site.

As it is not used on a production site, it displays an Testing | UAT watermark in the top-left corner of the IndiVideo Smart-Player frame.

LIVE - Production Approval Level

This approval level is used on a production site and will always deliver the final and approved version of a video.